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Q & A: Increasing The Number Of Visitors To Your Blog



Blogger Question: How do I increase the number of visitors to my blog?

BBC Answer: The best way to increase visitors is to share links on as many sites as possible while also using key terms associated with your post. Get more clicks by by having enticing article titles. Here’s a great article about spicing up blog headlines

P.S. Take full advantage of the link sharing opportunities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Try to share your content with people that are likely to be interested in your niche. For example, if your blog is a business blog, share your links with members of business social networks/groups. Be sure to share links at least 2 twice a day but not more than 3 times because you don’t want to be viewed as a spammer.


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2 thoughts on “Q & A: Increasing The Number Of Visitors To Your Blog

  1. Ummm I beg to differ…Merely sharing links on as a many sites as possible is your advice but sharing links to what? Your site, the individual blog post? This has been written about ad nauseam online. With a little more research you will find that the BEST WAYS to increase visitors to your blog:

    1. Guest blogging on sites that have more traffic or bigger audience than you currently do

    2. Social Sharing. Yes this means sharing links BUT posting links to your content at optimum times is key.

    3. Join and participate in content sharing communities and sites like, Reddit, etc.

    4. Creating a newsletter that includes your blog posts

    5. Online Partnerships which is similar to #1 but not exactly. Read more about it:

  2. Hi Alice,

    Thanks for your input. This quick Q & A is about blogging, so when we refer to links we are specifically referring to sharing links from your blog. Everything that you suggested is also correct. We also discussed sharing links on social networks and groups in this article. Feel free to check out some of our other articles on guest blogging and participating in online communities.

    The article “How to really start a blog” published on extensively discusses everything you are interested in

    Also check out another BBC article about online partnerships called, “Partner with other bloggers for success”

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